Minimalist photography captures a scene using limited, or minimal, elements. Color, lines, patterns, shapes, and textures can play a big part in these types of photos.
Stemming from the minimalist art movement of the 1950s, minimalist photography encourages artistic simplicity. Shots typically incorporate natural landscapes or scenes as the main focus, often captured at sunrise, in the early morning, or under the darkness of night when not many people are active. Images give off a sense of barrenness or emptiness, showcasing the neatness and simplicity of using limited elements in the shot’s composition.
[…] 随着人们在越来越小的屏幕上查看照片,拍摄越来越简约的照片的趋势越来越明显。尤其是在 自媒体的平台上,极简主义摄影正在爆炸式增长;它无处不在,而且已经有一段时间了。极简主义摄影有利也有弊,我对这种趋势的普遍程度感到复杂,但不可否认它很受欢迎。在本文中,我将介绍您想要拍摄极简主义照片的一些主要原因,以及尽可能有效地使用这种摄影风格的一些技巧。 […]
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