



Wildlife photographers generally need to have an “in” or some experience to achieve great shots of wildlife. Patience, good gear, and safe shooting locations are all important when trying to capture animals in the wilderness. Did we mention patience? It can take days of waiting to achieve the perfect shot of a wild animal. The type of animal being photographed will also determine the amount of preparation and type of camera gear required.

Equipment like tripods and shutter releases and telephoto, wide-angle, or macro lenses, are usually used in wildlife photography. Sometimes, camera traps are set up in the environment for an extended period of time, taking shots using motion detection so that animals aren’t spooked and their natural behaviors aren’t disturbed by lurking photographers. These shots are often used in editorials for publications like National Geographic. If you’re about to undertake this kind of photography or hiring a custom content crew, don’t forget your badge of patience. You will need it.

6 评论

  1. […] 拍摄野生动物的最佳尼康相机是什么?由于“野生动物”涵盖了很多东西,从鸟类到狮子以及介于两者之间的一切,这是一个很难回答的问题。如果你随便问一位野生动物摄影师,哪个功能对他们来说最重要,一个人可能会说自动对焦,而另一个人可能会说镜头选择甚至天气密封。但是对于那些正在从事野生动物摄影并需要帮助选择相机的人——或者对于那些想要验证他们的选择/在评论中对我大喊大叫的知名野生动物摄影师——我在这里为你列出了尼康最好的野生动物摄影相机考虑。 […]

  2. […] 多么模棱两可的词,对吧?旅行时拍摄的任何东西都不会被视为旅行摄影吗?为什么这会与野生动物摄影或风光摄影明显不同?嗯,答案是肯定的,旅行摄影是一个包罗万象的术语,当然包括野生动物、风景,以及你在旅行时拍摄的任何其他照片。旅行摄影的关键注入是讲故事。虽然任何人都可以拍摄出令人难以置信的照片,一只轻盈的食蟹在加拉帕戈斯群岛的乌黑熔岩中奔跑,构成了一张很棒的野生动物照片,但这一切都是关于你围绕这张照片拍摄的其他照片,以及你最终用你的手做的事情摄影讲述您的冒险故事。 […]


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