Considered by some to be a part of professional photojournalism, documentary photography captures images of real life, usually in the context of historical events, as well as the everyday. A distinguishing difference between the two is that documentary photography tends to chronicle an event, subject, environment, or topic for an extended period of time, adding context to a particular storyline. Photojournalism usually deals with a shorter-term, more “breaking news” style of photography.
Sometimes shot in B&W for that timeless look, documentary photography can also be achieved by amateur or artistic photographers. Another popular subset of this type of photography can be found in the world of academics. Conservation photography and street photography may also be considered a part of this genre, but can also stand alone as separate categories.
[…] 最近写过的几篇摄影文章,提到一本书《镜头里的生活:用摄影讲述生活的故事》,作者是美国一名获得过多项大奖的纪实摄影师、作家斯蒂芬妮·卡兰布莱斯·罗伯茨。《镜头里的生活》的主题是纪实摄影,通过介绍纪实摄影师,讲述相片背后的故事等,向读者讲述纪实摄影的相关知识。 […]
[…] 《镜头中的生活》是一本纪实摄影的书,书中介绍了一位用摄影记录生活的摄影师:简•雷门。简•雷门用相机记录自己的生活,主导这一摄影主题的是“学会真实地暴露自己,可以帮助你欣赏自身的不足之处,在自身的存在价值和独特视角中获得信心。” […]
[…] 《镜头中的生活》力的摄影师介绍纪实摄影时,说,作为一名社会纪实摄影师要有一定的道德感,你以一种非常私密的方式进入人们的生活,生命中的哪些瞬间(人们脆弱无助状态下的相片),普通人通常永远不想被别人看到。 […]